The client (tourist- guest- conductor), by making a reservation through the Agency, declares to be aware of the contents of this document and accepts, expressly and unequivocally, the following general conditions of the rent:
a) the reservation is made, at the time of the receipt, to the Agency, of the deposit/ down payment
b) the client, expressly excludes any other and different use of the property, except the one adapted to meet the housing needs of a transitory nature and specific tourist purposes, as a holiday home.
c) the client should provide all the names and the details of the guests who will occupy the property. The guests' number shall in no case exceed the number of beds as resulting in the description of the house.
d) In case of cancellation, please consider the cancellation policies of the website from where the reservation has taken place.
e) The presence of pets during the stay must be expressly authorized. If properties are equipped with swimming pool, the tourist who agrees to comply with these regulations, exempts the owner and the Agency any liability for damage to people or things that might arise from its presence
and use whether appropriately or not. The children must use the swimming pool under the close supervision of the parents or a legal tutor.
f) On arrival the guests are required to present a valid ID (passport or identity card), for the formalities in accordance with the current laws. Check-in can be made at the agency's office or directly at the property, depending on availability, starting from 15:00 until 19:00 on the first day of the rental and must return them between 8:00 and 10:00 on the last day of the rental. For any arrivals and departures at different times indicated above, the Guest must promptly make arrangements with the Agency, with the possibility of self check-in. As concerns arrivals after 12am, unless otherwise agreed, the Agency will carry out the reception the next day, without assuming any liability that may relate to the night in question, the search of alternative housing, the refund of any expenses or reduction of the rent. The collection of the keys will take place only after the payment of all the amounts due. In the event that the conductor fails to collect the keys within 2 days
from the beginning of the lease the Agent, on behalf of the leaser, may terminate the contract retaining all the amount paid by way of lease.
g) By collecting the keys of the property, the client will become the guardian of the same, of the furnishings and whatever is indicated in the inventory. He will have care of the property with the diligence of a good family man and will return the keys at the end of the period of use. The owner and the Agency are not responsible for any damage to things or people caused by the conductor or by his guests or on themselves. The owner or the Agency are not responsible for any loss or theft of things left unattended in the building.
h) The ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of the property leased, will be provided by the owner or the Agency, by the same delegated. Therefore the client, and all the guest, during the stay can not handle or tamper with the regulation of the implant (water, electricity, swimming pool, irrigation, etc...) of the property. In case of need the conductor shall inform the Agency promptly, that will provide in the shortest possible time. In case of breach of this prohibition, the client will be liable for damages caused in the form of actual damage or loss of profit.
i) The owner or his representative, reserve the right , by previous agreement with the client, to access to the property in order to carry out routine maintenance (pool, garden, etc...),
l) At the moment of handing in the keys, the client will provide the payment of all the extra services required. The client gives the details of a credit card as a guarantee of any damage caused, during the stay, at the property, at its structural components, implants, furnishing and whatever may concern. The client authorizes the Agency to withdraw on the indicated credit card any costs necessary to repair the damage caused during the stay, as well as the ones communicated by the Agency.
m) The properties are delivered clean and tidy. The client, even if he delegates the weekly housekeeping service, in all the cases will provide at the removal of the rubbish. Failing this, the owner or his representative, may charge the client the extra expenses due upon departure.
n) The costs for utlities (gas, electricty, drinking water etc...) are included in the rent agreed, any abnormal consumption will be charged to the client.
o) The agency will be at the clients’ disposal to meet all their needs and requests, as well as health especially if they concern children.
The Guest authorizes the Target Rent of Bernasconi V. e Roccucci A. S.n.c. to the processing of the data and that is aware of the purposes and methods of treatment.